Monthly Archives: February 2014

Dusting off the Blog

My blogging tends to follow certain life cadences and mine has mostly been work, work and well work. Now that I’m prepping for Build 2014 I’ve switched back from information gathering to information sharing which means dusting off my blog.  Part of that is reading the spam comments because I adore the random computer generated ones, they feel like little cracked-out robots are trying to communicate with me. Some favs:

“I like your article.Your article is like a big tree, so that we can be sitting in your tree, feel yourself a real.”

“This article made me become shiny.”

“I would like to be aware of when you write this article is what kind of mood, why would you write this article, also written so good, is that I can emulate. I think I could record something like you…”

And this one, this is the one that haunts me. It feels like some maddening wisdom is embedded here, especially the last sentence. if I can just decipher it…

“This article is really dulcet, a friend gave me a look. I catched sight of, I would like to express the feelings I looked. Others did not feel that I do not mind, at least now I express myself…”